
ICQD 1st Annual Forum on Undergraduate Research Announcement

( 2018-05-09 )

The center is delighted to announce an upcoming forum held in the Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory Building on May 28, 2018. It is organized by International Center for Quantum Design of Functional Materials (ICQD), USTC. This forum aims to provide a new platform to showcase the research achievements and progresses of the undergraduate research assistants supervised by ICQD center members. Prof. Zhenhua Qiao from ICQD is the forum chair. You can find more information as below.

Theme: ICQD 1st Annual Forum on Undergraduate Research

Purpose: To provide a new platform to showcase the research achievements and progresses of the undergraduate research assistants supervised by ICQD center members.

Presenters: Recommended by ICQD center members.

Best presentation awards: One 1st, two 2nd, and three 3rd prizes

Date: May 28, 2018

Chair: Prof. Zhenhua Qiao


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