
Announcement of the 7th Joint ICQs Annual Workshop

( 2017-07-04 )
We are delighted to announce an upcoming annual workshop held on July 12-14, 2017 in Beijing, China. It is the 7th Joint ICQs annual Workshop on "‘The World of Topological Matters", hosted by the International Center for Quantum Materials (ICQM) at Peking University.

The joint ICQs workshop series started in 2011, and have been hosted by the International Center for Quantum Structures (ICQS) at IoP, the International Center for Quantum Design (ICQD) at USTC, and the International Center for Quantum Materials (ICQM) at Peking University. These yearly workshops provide a platform for idea exchange and in-depth discussions on selected topics in condensed matter physics and quantum phenomena, and fostering collaborations amongst the workshop participants.

In this year’s ICQs Workshop, in addition to the usual scientific program consisting of keynote and invited talks focusing on the topological states of matter, a lab tour in the ICQM will be arranged.

For more information about the workshop, please refer to the workshop website: http://icqm.pku.edu.cn/C_WTM/

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