
The 6th Joint ICQs annual Workshop Announcement

( 2016-06-06 )
The center is delighted to announce an upcoming annual workshop held on June 12-14, 2016 in Beijing, China. It is the 6th Joint ICQs annual Workshop on Novel Quantum Physics at Interfaces and 2D Materials, hosted by the International Center for Quantum Structures (ICQS) at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Initiated in 2011, the Joint ICQs Annual Workshops were designed to bring together the members and special invitees, serving as an important platform for exchanges of ideas and in-depth discussions on a broad spectrum of topics related to quantum phenomena, with the primary objective of promoting collaborations amongst the workshop participants. In 2016, the 6th joint annual workshop will be focusing on, but not limited to, novel quantum physics at interfaces and 2D materials. During the three days, exciting scientific talks as well as a lab tour in the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences will be arranged.

For more information about the workshop, please refer to the workshop website: http://workshop2016.icqs.iphy.ac.cn/

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